1) Three new threads create from main thread by pthread_create().
Main thread give argument, when create a new thread.
2) Each thread runs own working.
This example has two thread function.
1. Timer wait
2. Character change upper-lower.
3) Main thread wait other threads complete by pthread_join().
Created thread make return value and send main thread by pthread_exit().
Main thread wait and receive child thread return by pthread_join().
This example's return value code memory is using malloc() memory, so must free one in main thread.
This example's return value code memory is using malloc() memory, so must free one in main thread.
When compiling source designate link library “libpthread” specify argument “-lpthread”.
$ gcc pthread.c -o pthread -lpthread
#include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> void* thread1(void* arg); // Thread Entry function 1 void* thread2(void* arg); // Thread Entry function 2 // // Main thread. // int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; const char *arg1 = "Tokyo"; const char *arg2 = "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"; const char *arg3 = "Hokkaido"; pthread_t thrd1, thrd2, thrd3; void* th_ret; // Make three threads ret = pthread_create(&thrd1, NULL, thread1, (void*)arg1); if (ret) { perror("pthread_create[Thread 1]"); exit(1); } ret = pthread_create(&thrd2, NULL, thread2, (void*)arg2); if (ret) { perror("pthread_create[Thread 2]"); exit(1); } ret = pthread_create(&thrd3, NULL, thread1, (void*)arg3); if (ret) { perror("pthread_create[Thread 3]"); exit(1); } // Waiting threads quit. pthread_join(thrd3, &th_ret); printf("Thread 3 [%d]\n", *(int*)th_ret); free(th_ret); // Free return value memory. pthread_join(thrd2, &th_ret); printf("Thread 2 [%d]\n", *(int*)th_ret); free(th_ret); // Free return value memory. pthread_join(thrd1, &th_ret); printf("Thread 1 [%d]\n", *(int*)th_ret); free(th_ret); // Free return value memory. return 0; } // Thread entry function 1 // The function waits from a giving string size. void* thread1(void* arg) { int t = 0; int* ret = malloc(sizeof(int)); // Allocate a return value area. t = strlen((char*)arg); sleep( t ); printf("[%s] %ds\n", (char*)arg, t); *ret = t; pthread_exit(ret); // Return value for main thread. } // Thread entry function 2 // The function converts characters from a giving argument string. void* thread2(void* arg) { int i; char* c = (char*)arg; int* ret = malloc(sizeof(int)); // Allocate a return value area. printf("%s --> ", c); for(i=0; i<strlen(c); i++) { if (isupper(*(c+i))) { printf("%c", (char)tolower(*(c+i))); } else { printf("%c", (char)toupper(*(c+i))); } } printf("\n"); *ret = i; pthread_exit(ret); // Return value for main thread. }
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